From This Collection

How to prepare for the fiscal cliff

Nov 14, 2012
Corporate CEOs, labor leaders and politicians have all weighed in on the fiscal cliff. But what will the budget and tax negotiations mean to you and your wallet?
Corporate CEO's, labor leaders, and politicians have all weighed in on the fiscal cliff. But what will the budget and tax negotiations mean to you and your wallet?
Naim Chidiac/Red Bull Content Pool

Is running the government like running a business?

Oct 31, 2012
Running the U.S. economy is just like running a business, right? Not necessarily. Sr. Producer Paddy Hirsch explains the differences between a president and CEO.
Running the U.S. economy is just like running a business, right? Sr. Producer Paddy Hirsch explains the differences between a president and CEO.

Explaining dividend recapitalization

Oct 23, 2012
Dividend recapitalization: private equity shenanigans or sound common sense? Sr. Producer Paddy Hirsch explains how it works.
Dividend recapitalization: private equity shenanigans or sound common sense? Sr. Producer Paddy Hirsch explains how it works.

The fiscal cliff explained (with help from Hollywood)

Sep 28, 2012
You've heard warnings about the economic disaster that could happen if Congress fails to avoid a fiscal cliff. But what is the fiscal cliff anyway? Sr. Producer Paddy Hirsch enlists the support of his friends Thelma and Louise in this three-minute explanation.
You've heard warnings about the economic disaster that could happen if Congress fails to avoid a fiscal cliff. But what is the fiscal cliff anyway? Sr. Producer Paddy Hirsch enlists the support of his friends Thelma and Louise in this three-minute explanation.

For public good, not for profit.

And the winners are...

Sep 14, 2012
Two more lucky winners will receive a copy of "Man vs Markets" this week.
Two more lucky winners will receive a copy of "Man vs Markets" this week.

QE3 ahoy!

Sep 7, 2012
Today's gloomy jobs report makes another round of quantitative easing a lot more likely.
One dollar bills as they are printed and prepared for distribution to financial institutions at the Department of the Treasury Bureau of Engraving and Printing in Washington, D.C. Today's gloomy jobs report makes another round of quantitative easing a lot more likely.
Joe Raedle/Getty Images