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Oil puts Kazakhstan on Cheney's itinerary

May 5, 2006
Vice President Cheney visits Kazakhstan today. One topic of discussion: Kazakhstan's vast oil and gas reserves. Cheryl Glaser has the story.

Fill'er up with ethanol

May 4, 2006
Ethanol made from corn seems to be the new darling of Washington's energy planning, but tough questions remain about its overall economic value. Curt Nickisch reports.

Not a pretty picture

May 4, 2006
Kodak is having a rough go in the age of digital cameras and camera phones. The photo industry giant lost $298 million last quarter and today said it's considering selling its health-imaging business. Cheryl Glaser reports.

Yes, humans cause global warming

May 4, 2006
A government study this week concludes that human activity is driving the earth's warming trend. Writer and commentator Mark Hertsgaard tells us about the politics behind the state of American denial.

Yum betting on the Derby

May 4, 2006
Business of sports expert David Carter talks to host Mark Austin Thomas about what Yum Brands hopes to get from its sponsorship of Saturday's Kentucky Derby.

Lawyers, lobbyists wage search engine wars

May 3, 2006
Microsoft is trying to get ahead in the search engine business by leaving Google out of its new browser. Commentator Robert Reich says Google's fighting back, but not necessarily fighting fair.

A creative prostitution solution

May 3, 2006
John Laurenson reports on how Germany is offering an interesting career change for its prostitutes — and how the country is dealing with an expected demand for prostitution during the upcoming World Cup.

How's your Mandarin?

May 3, 2006
Hotel chains are pouring millions into new construction in China. But commentator Rudy Maxa says much of the investment seems to run counter to that nation's official Communist philosophy.

Tagliabue's legacy

May 3, 2006
Outgoing NFL Commissioner Paul Tagliabue wants to secure a team in Los Angeles before leaving his post in July. Cheryl Glaser looks at why it's been so hard for the nation's second largest market to land a franchise.

Bird flu threatens Africa's chicken economy

May 3, 2006
While avian flu is still a big "if" here, other parts of the world are already battling outbreaks in their bird populations. In Africa, chickens are not only food, but an insurance policy against hard times. Suzanne Marmion reports.