Social Security payments usually increase by a small amount each year to adjust for cost of living. But thanks to the recession, those living off the government-issued checks won't be seeing more dollar signs this year. Tamara Keith reports.
We've all met them, 20-somethings who've been coddled by their parents and seem to expect everything to be handed to them. But the economy might just be changing Gen Y's outlook. Gigi Douban reports.
It's that time of year again: young adults are schlepping off to college, many of them for the first time. How are parents handling the whole money conversation? Commentator Harriett Brackey tells her story.
With everything that's been going on with the economy, it's easy to forget that some families lost everything years ago. Host Tess Vigeland speaks to the King family about what their life is like four years after Hurricane Katrina.