Over the past few weeks, we've taken you back to personal finance backs. Now that you're all caught up in the fundamentals, it's time to pay attention to you -- the consumer. We've got advice on what to do when you're vacation plans are thwarted by a travel alert. Plus, the art of using social media to get better customer service. Also, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau was set up to protect you. We talk to the head of the CFPB about how to use the organization to improve your overall consumer experiences. And stories about what phasing out Fannie and Freddie means for you, what news is worth, summer reading suggestions, and the mystery of COLA (we don't mean the beverage).
Over the past few weeks, we’ve taken you back to personal finance backs. Now that you’re all caught up in the fundamentals, it’s time to pay attention to you — the consumer. We’ve got advice on what to do when you’re vacation plans are thwarted by a travel alert. Plus, the art of using social media to get better customer service. Also, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau was set up to protect you. We talk to the head of the CFPB about how to use the organization to improve your overall consumer experiences. And stories about what phasing out Fannie and Freddie means for you, what news is worth, summer reading suggestions, and the mystery of COLA (we don’t mean the beverage).