Marketplace Money for Friday, February 11, 2011
Feb 11, 2011

Marketplace Money for Friday, February 11, 2011


Marketplace Money for Friday, February 11, 2011

Segments From this episode

Getting Personal: Retirement priorities, cosmetic procedures and your taxes

Feb 10, 2011
Tess Vigeland and David Lazarus, consumer columnist for the Los Angeles Times, about whether teeth whitening can be listed as a business expense on your taxes, what alternative refinancing options are out there for private held mortgages and where retirees should be putting their money.

Why it takes so long for checks to clear

Feb 10, 2011
In an economy where more people are temporary employees or going the freelance route, checks are the way to pay people. But depositing that check doesn't mean instant money in the bank account.

What's in your wallet, Curtis Guy?

Curtis Guy let's us take a peek into his wallet and learns he may have a hoarding habit.

The new '10 Commandments of Money'

Feb 11, 2011
Tess Vigeland talks to MSN's personal finance columnist Liz Pulliam Weston about the new rules of personal finance she outlines in her book "The 10 Commandments of Money."

CA court nixes zip code collection at the register

Feb 11, 2011
If you live in California, cashiers can no longer ask for your zip code at the register, the state Supreme Court ruled this week. But that means the end of a big business for retailers.

Understanding a reverse mortgage

Feb 11, 2011
A reverse mortgage converts some of the value of your home into cash and doesn't have to be repaid until you move out of your house or die. The popularity of these reverse mortgages has risen a lot over the past few years, but they can be confusing and potentially costly.

Unemployed singles aren't feeling the love

Feb 11, 2011
The dating scene can be a challenge if you're out of work. Even dinner and a movie can add up. And the stigma of being jobless might lead some to think you're not a worthy mate.

Should you invest in index funds?

Feb 11, 2011
Our experts say index funds are a safer way to go instead of individual stocks. But there's a whole realm of possibilities within these indexes.

Marketplace Money for Friday, February 11, 2011