Marketplace Money for Friday, February 17, 2012
America Saves Week is upon us. So save, save, save, people!!! We'll look at the history behind why we don't, and hear from someone who's sick of doing it. Savers in Greece will likely be losing some of their nest eggs as austerity measures start to kick in. The country hopes a new property tax will get it out of debt, but it's pushing some citizens to the brink. And it takes hundreds of hours and tens of thousands of dollars to get a pampered canine into the Westminster Dog Show. We visit Madison Square Garden and the madness therein. We also look at pet health insurance and how we make the decisions we do about our pet's health.
America Saves Week is upon us. So save, save, save, people!!! We’ll look at the history behind why we don’t, and hear from someone who’s sick of doing it. Savers in Greece will likely be losing some of their nest eggs as austerity measures start to kick in. The country hopes a new property tax will get it out of debt, but it’s pushing some citizens to the brink. And it takes hundreds of hours and tens of thousands of dollars to get a pampered canine into the Westminster Dog Show. We visit Madison Square Garden and the madness therein. We also look at pet health insurance and how we make the decisions we do about our pet’s health.