Marketplace Money for Friday, November 16, 2012
Nov 13, 2012

Marketplace Money for Friday, November 16, 2012


Are you prepared for the worst? Do you know exactly what your insurance policy covers? Can your stock and bond portfolio withstand another financial crisis? Do you have a will in place? This week we present a special program in collaboration with The New York Times -- Bulletproofing Your Finances. From natural disasters to man-made catastrophes like the financial crisis of 2008, we'll talk about how to prepare yourself -- and your finances -- as fully as possible.

Segments From this episode

Are stocks still the best investment option?

Nov 13, 2012
The 2008 stock market crash sent folks walking away from Wall Street. Even today, an air of fear still holds some from re-entering the market. Have investors come around?

Gold bugs find the shine in precious metal

Nov 13, 2012
There are plenty of so-called "gold bugs" out there -- people who hoard big chunks of the precious metal, as in actual gold.

Bulletproofing yourself financially

Nov 13, 2012
Are you prepared for the worst? It's time to bulletproof your finances.

Rebranding the emergency fund... and how to save for it

Nov 13, 2012
Emergency fund/uncertainty fund -- whatever you want to call it -- Carl Richards from the New York Times says it's important to set aside money for a rainy day.
Emergency fund/uncertainty fund -- whatever you want to call it -- Carl Richards from the New York Times says it's important to set aside money for a rainy day. Credits

The importance of living wills for singles

Nov 13, 2012
The passing of a loved one creates obvious emotional crisis for a family. But it can also fuel a financial crisis -- especially if there's no will.
The passing of a loved one creates obvious emotional crisis for a family. But it can also fuel a financial crisis -- especially if there's no will.

Why mental health check-ups matter

Nov 13, 2012
Physical check-ups with physicians are common, but what about a tune-up for your mind?
A tax on health plans could lead to higher wages, but it also may lead to higher out-of-pocket health costs, too.
Adam Berry/Getty Images

Joplin residents carry on after tornado

Nov 13, 2012
In May 2011, a tornado ripped through Joplin, Mo., killing 161 people. As Joplin's residents make their way through the stages of grief, three families discuss how they survived and how they're preparing for the next one.
Stairs lead to an empty lot where a home once stood on South Joplin Avenue before the Joplin tornado in 2011.  Newly constructed homes can be seen in the background.
Steve Hebert for The New York Times

A resource guide to bulletproofing your finances

Nov 14, 2012
Are you prepared to face a crisis -- both natural and man-made? Explore our resource guide to help you prepare yourself -- and your finances -- for the worst.

One woman's story of elder financial abuse

Nov 16, 2012
Anna Mae Franklin, 83, describes how she learned about elder financial abuse the hard way.

Are you prepared for the worst? Do you know exactly what your insurance policy covers? Can your stock and bond portfolio withstand another financial crisis? Do you have a will in place? This week we present a special program in collaboration with The New York Times — Bulletproofing Your Finances. From natural disasters to man-made catastrophes like the financial crisis of 2008, we’ll talk about how to prepare yourself — and your finances — as fully as possible.