Many potential buyers feel they don't have the credit or cash to get into the real estate market. But as Marketplace's senior business correspondent Bob Moon reports, an old lending program could give them the help they need.
With retirees living longer, it's harder to make ends meet with savings and Social Security. Marketplace's Jeremy Hobson explains how reverse mortgages let retirees use the value of their home to help pay the bills.
Financial pundits are quick to say that the current crisis has changed everything, but Marketplace's economics editor Chris Farrell says we shouldn't be so eager to throw out the rule book.
COBRA allows former employees to pay to continue their health care coverage after they've left their job. But as Sally Herships reports, the costs of the program can make it difficult for some families to see the benefits.
With corporate bankruptcies in the news, what happens to your health care coverage if your whole company goes belly up? Host Tess Vigeland asks Kiplinger's Kimberly Lankford.
Host Tess Vigeland and economics editor Chris Farrell answer listener questions about retirement savings, 529 plans, financial education, early investing and reversing bad habits.
Many people have questions about how to reconcile such a dramatic economic year as they put together their tax returns for 2008. Host Tess Vigeland asks tax expert Frank Degan to clear up some of the confusion.
Classic style seems to be one of the few things able to beat inflation and financial slumps. Marketplace's Eve Troeh discovers that the old things lying around her house can mean lots of new money.
The latest plan to stop the bleeding in the financial markets is to bundle up the bad assets and deposit them into a "bad bank." Marketplace's senior editor Paddy Hirsh explains the plan.