The money market industry is proposing changes that would lower yields, improve safety and place restrictions on certain funds. But should you choose a money market account over a savings account? Reporter Tamara Keith asks the experts.
Tess Vigeland talks to New York Times columnist Ron Lieber about how some of the old rules about investing and managing money don't make sense during the current financial climate.
The IRS recently announced that victims of the Madoff scandal can claim up to 95 percent of their losses on their taxes. Tess Vigeland and Chris Farrell discuss what implications this decision has on the tax code and on victims of future Ponzi schemes.
People facing foreclosure are becoming vulnerable to scammers promising to help modify loans. Reporter Rachel Dornhelm reports on one such scam in Oakland, Calif. and asks experts what consumers can do to stay safe.
Foreclosure scammers aren't the only ones preying on the vulnerable. Online scammers, or phishers, are also prowling the Web for unsuspecting victims. Tess Vigeland talks to Jorgan Wouters of Consumer Reports about how to avoid being scammed.
Tess Vigeland and Chris Farrell answer listeners' pressing questions about stock values, buying vs. renting and what we mean when we talk about income.
Just because you're shopping in a corporate retail store doesn't mean you can't bargain down a price. Reporter Ashley Milne-Tyte proves that bargaining may be easier than you think.
Investors are adjusting the way they manage their money, but those hoping to retire soon don't have time to build back wealth. Tess Vigeland talks to financial planner Stuart Ritter about what soon-to-be retirees can do to weather the storm.