Using a credit card is easy. Writing a check is more time consuming. Host Tess Vigeland talks with personal finance columnist Jason Zweig about how different ways of paying can affect how much
we spend.
If you ever spent more with your debit card than was in your account, your bank may have paid the amount but then slammed you with a big overdraft fee. Banks impose such policies as "protection plans." But now, as Stacey Vanek-Smith reports, you'll have a choice of whether you want one.
Finance charges, compound interest ... the dizzying amount of financial terms can be confusing. That's why commentator Chris Farrell says financial institutions need to offer customers simple products they can understand.
A lot of people are still searching for work and collecting unemployment. But that isn't stopping them from hunting for cash in unusual ways. Ashley Milne-Tyte reports.
If you're relying on freelance work to pay the bills, how do you make sure you're getting paid what you deserve for those now-and-again gigs? Host Tess Vigeland gets answers from Tory Johnson, CEO of Women for Hire.
Pittsburgh, site of the G-20 conference this past week, was once home to thousands of steelworkers. Rico Gagliano talks to two of them about how they moved on after their industry collapsed.
Steve Henn reports on how loan-modification firms are preying on already desperate people who are facing foreclosure. This story is part of a joint investigation by Marketplace and ProPublica.
Finding work in show biz is tough, especially in this economy. A current member and an alumnus of Chicago's famous Second City theater talk with host Tess Vigeland about the comedy and tragedy of being a performer.