The White House and Congress negotiate, but the economy won’t wait
Jul 28, 2020

The White House and Congress negotiate, but the economy won’t wait

We now have two competing bills for COVID-19 relief after Senate Republicans released theirs Monday. Plus, the latest on President Trump's picks for the Fed. And, a French solution for hand sanitizer shortages.

Segments From this episode

Republicans have rolled out a COVID-19 relief bill. Here's what it includes.

One major difference from the Democrats' bill is a sharp decrease in the amount of money for pandemic unemployment assistance.
Despite having a bill, Senate Republicans themselves remain divided on issues of spending and policy.
Drew Angerer/Getty Images

If the Fed's nominees were confirmed, could they change monetary policy?

Jul 28, 2020
The central bank's board of governors is designed with checks and balances, so one member's influence would be limited.
Judy Shelton, left, and Christopher Waller testify during a hearing on their nominations to the Federal Reserve board of governors in February.
Sarah Silbiger/Getty Images

To boost hand sanitizer production, France uncorks a novel solution

Jul 28, 2020
Some local officials have turned to their wine producers that have distilleries to tackle a sanitizer shortage.
Pharmacists use what’s called pomace brandy to make the sanitizer.
marvlc/iStock/Getty Images

Music from the episode

Blue Clouds Modeselektor

The team

Victoria Craig Host, BBC
Stephen Ryan Senior Producer, BBC
Jonathan Frewin Producer, BBC
Daniel Shin Producer
Jay Siebold Technical Director
Brian Allison Engineer
Meredith Garretson Morbey Senior Producer
Erika Soderstrom Producer
Rose Conlon Producer
Alex Schroeder Producer