More money doesn’t always mean more votes
Mar 29, 2024

More money doesn’t always mean more votes

So far, President Joe Biden is far out-raising former president Donald Trump, but that doesn’t always translate into election wins.

Segments From this episode

The latest on campaign fundraising

President Joe Biden’s reelection campaign says it hauled in more than $25 million at a New York City fundraiser last night, where Biden appeared alongside former presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton. Meanwhile, former president Donald Trump is experiencing mounting legal fees.

Inflation is getting better, but is it good enough?

Back in January, we saw a kind of mini-surge in inflation that made a lot of economists do a double take. Well, February has offered some reassurance, according to the personal consumption expenditures price index. Let’s discuss with Christopher Lowe, chief economist at FHN Financial in New York.

A Palestinian exodus from the West Bank

A growing number of Palestinian Christians are leaving the occupied West Bank, because they’re struggling to make ends meet. Since Hamas’ attack on Oct. 7, and the start of the war in Gaza, Israel has revoked work permits for 150,000 Palestinians in the West Bank. A drop in tourism has also hit local communities, as the BBC’s Sara Monetta reports.

The team

Leanna Byrne Host, BBC
Kelly Silvera Executive Producer
Meredith Garretson Morbey Senior Producer
Erika Soderstrom Producer
Alex Schroeder Producer
Ariana Rosas Producer
Dylan Miettinen Digital Producer
Jesson Duller Media Producer
Nic Perez Director/Producer
James Graham Producer, BBC
Jo Critcher Producer, BBC
Naomi Rainey Producer, BBC
Lis Mahy Producer, BBC