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Ingredients for a disorderly day on Wall Street
Dec 18, 2020

Ingredients for a disorderly day on Wall Street

They include Tesla's anticipated introduction to the S&P 500 index on Monday. Plus, COVID relief package negotiations and the Federal Reserve. And, crime rates during the pandemic recession.

Segments From this episode

The stars are aligning for a volatile Friday afternoon on the stock market

There will be a lot of repositioning happening with Tesla slated to join the S&P 500 index and futures and options expiring near the end of this Friday, says Christopher Low, chief economist at FHN Financial. “All of those things normally translate into volatility, and it’s especially true when you’ve got one of the most talked-about stocks in America joining the S&P 500 on the next business day,” Low said.

Fed pandemic lending programs a sticking point in COVID relief talks

Dec 18, 2020
Some Senate Republicans want a new COVID relief bill to prohibit the Fed from restarting pandemic lending programs.
The Fed programs include Main Street business loans and purchases of corporate and municipal bonds. Pictured: Fed Chair Jerome Powell at a House committee hearing on Dec. 2, 2020.
Pool/Getty Images

Property crimes are down since the pandemic began

Dec 18, 2020
Crime rates usually go up when the economy is bad. But not when there's low inflation.
When things like food or gas get more expensive and people are out of work, there’s more crime. But right now? Inflation is low.
rclassenlayouts via Getty Images

Music from the episode

Lay Low Gallway Flex

The team

Victoria Craig Host, BBC
Stephen Ryan Senior Producer, BBC
Jonathan Frewin Producer, BBC
Daniel Shin Producer
Jay Siebold Technical Director
Brian Allison Engineer
Meredith Garretson Morbey Senior Producer
Erika Soderstrom Producer
Rose Conlon Producer
Alex Schroeder Producer