When will all states recognize Juneteenth as a public holiday?
Jun 19, 2023

When will all states recognize Juneteenth as a public holiday?

Juneteenth became a federal holiday two years ago. But about half the states in the country have yet to adopt it as an official state holiday. Efforts to change that are ongoing. Plus, the latest from U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken's trip to China. He's meeting with China's leader Xi Jinping. And, in Argentina, workers have been on strike for weeks, demanding higher wages to keep up with soaring inflation, which is running at more than 100%.

Segments From this episode

At least 20 states don't recognize Juneteenth as a legal holiday

Jun 19, 2023
The number of states that celebrate June 19th as a paid holiday is growing, but it could be years before it's a given in every state.
A Juneteenth celebration in Washington, D.C. Juneteenth is a federal holiday and recognized in most states. Many would like to see it officially honored everywhere.
Nathan Howard/Getty Images

Music from the episode

Red Clay Jack Wilkins

The team

Leanna Byrne Host, BBC
Kelly Silvera Executive Producer
Meredith Garretson Morbey Senior Producer
Erika Soderstrom Producer
Alex Schroeder Producer
Ariana Rosas Producer
Jesson Duller Media Producer
Nick Esposito Media Producer
James Graham Producer, BBC
Jo Critcher Producer, BBC
Olie D'Albertanson Producer, BBC