Marketplace Weekend for Friday, December 26, 2014
This weekend, we focus on indulgence, and all the things you can't live without. Comedian Cameron Esposito explains what her life on stage is like, and what it took to get there. Karen Giberson, the president of The Accessories Council, talks about indulging in high-end watches, and the surge of sale of so called dumb watches, especially in a world of smart accessories. Marketplace Tech host Ben Johnson guides Lizzie through the world of digital hording, and what you can do to let it all go. Plus, is there anything that sells itself? Lizzie and Olivia Mannix, the co-founder of the marijuana marketing company Cannabrand, discuss the brave new world of re-branding marijuana. And as the new year approaches, have you thought about renewing yourself? How about renewing your job search for 2015?
This weekend, we focus on indulgence, and all the things you can’t live without. Comedian Cameron Esposito explains what her life on stage is like, and what it took to get there. Karen Giberson, the president of The Accessories Council, talks about indulging in high-end watches, and the surge of sale of so called dumb watches, especially in a world of smart accessories. Marketplace Tech host Ben Johnson guides Lizzie through the world of digital hording, and what you can do to let it all go. Plus, is there anything that sells itself? Lizzie and Olivia Mannix, the co-founder of the marijuana marketing company Cannabrand, discuss the brave new world of re-branding marijuana. And as the new year approaches, have you thought about renewing yourself? How about renewing your job search for 2015?