Credit card fee feud
Feb 26, 2024

Credit card fee feud

Retailers are sick of rising credit card fees. Banks say the fees have stayed pretty much the same.

Segments From this episode

It's gonna be a big week for economic data

Everything from homes prices to the Fed’s favorite inflation measurement are coming out. David Vera at Cal-State Fresno and Nicole Cervi at Wells Fargo explain what they’ll be watching for.

Years later, pandemic purchases trigger buyer's remorse

Feb 26, 2024
From outdoor heaters to exercise equipment to homes, people made purchases they now regret.
Purchases of exercise equipment, air fryers and outdoor heaters boomed. But now some of those purchases are collecting dust.
Ezra Shaw/Getty Images

Why do we measure consumers' feelings?

Feb 26, 2024
Consumer sentiment and confidence indexes are used in forecasting, which influences planning and investment. But feelings can be tricky.
Sentiment and confidence, says professor Sasha Indarte, are "related to people's behavior and decisions." That influences what companies and government plan for and invest in.
Stefani Reynolds/AFP via Getty Images

The fees war between retailers and credit card companies is heating up

Feb 26, 2024
Merchants paid $126 billion in credit card fees in 2022, up 20% from the year before. The pushback is playing out in lobbying campaigns and Congress.
Merchants from gas stations to ice cream shops to Amazon have complained about credit card fees and contracts, and many are lobbying for credit card regulation.
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

Behind the scenes, this gift store is rolling with the inflation punches

We check in with Annie Lang Hartman, owner of Wild Lettie in Leelanau, Michigan, about how her winter is going.

The team

Nancy Farghalli Executive Producer
Maria Hollenhorst Producer II
Andie Corban Producer I
Sarah Leeson Producer I
Sean McHenry Director & Associate Producer II
Richard Cunningham Associate Producer I
Sofia Terenzio Assistant Producer
Jordan Mangi Assistant Digital Producer