Stay tuned for longer TV ads

Jan 7, 2016
Cable company Turner is experimenting with ads that are two minutes long.

Digital ad industry looking for less annoying options

Oct 26, 2015
"Those laws of physics are different on mobile."

Dear Airbnb: Your ads failed.

Oct 22, 2015
Social media reaction has been swift.

Would you pay for YouTube?

Oct 21, 2015
It's not cat videos the video giant wants to sell you.

Marketing to Millennials

May 29, 2015
How to advertise to a hard-to-pin-down demographic.

Ads shown before YouTube ISIS video

Mar 9, 2015
Algorithms created awkward ad placement.

How Facebook helps advertisers target ads in India

Sep 2, 2014
Facebook is giving advertisers cell reception data to serve ads more efficiently.

For public good, not for profit.

SoundCloud to start including ads in content streams

Aug 21, 2014
Do they risk undermining their core, indie-leaning fan base?

Raining? Twitter wants to help sell you an umbrella

Jun 12, 2014
Twitter is teaming up with the Weather Channel to help advertisers.

What to do when your refrigerator starts advertising

May 21, 2014
Google may be planning to put ads in unusual places, like thermostats and watches.