Defund Obamacare: Stay tuned, after these messages

Sep 23, 2013
Could advertising convince Americans to buy -- or avoid buying -- health insurance?

A change to the email inbox means marketers need to adapt

Sep 18, 2013
Retailers and email marketers are upset that Gmail's new updates are hurting their sales.

How online advertisers could use your data against you

Sep 4, 2013
Ethical and moral questions arise when personal data is mined for advertisers

Sign spinners turn heads and profits

Aug 29, 2013
In the past, sign spinners, or “human directionals” in marketing jargon, often pointed their signs toward used car lots or new housing developments. But as the cost of renting a billboard has doubled, sign spinning is attracting more interest from businesses big and small.

Google Glass wants to track how you watch ads

Aug 26, 2013
A new app for Google Glass measures pupil dilation in reaction to advertisements.

Why hummus is looking for some sports fans

Aug 14, 2013
One brand of hummus is hoping to appeal to more male consumers across the U.S.

How are businesses cashing in on the Latino market?

Aug 14, 2013
What are some of the strategies businesses are using to respond to the fast-growing Latino market? And what are the challenges?

For public good, not for profit.

Living life as a target-market female

Jul 30, 2013
What it's like to live in an advertiser's world of the target-market female, aged 25 to 45 years old.

Forget Mad Men -- the math men are in charge

Jul 29, 2013
Everybody from Google to Coca-Cola is collecting data and eating into the traditional territory of advertising.

Omnicom and Publicis go big to go small, digitally

Jul 29, 2013
The merger is a case of Madison Avenue trying to catch up with Silicon Valley, trying to use their size and reach to deliver small targeted markets to advertisers in real time.