Affordable Care Act opens up possibilities for uninsured

Sep 13, 2013
One retiree shares his story about how he's been living without insurance for a year.

Companies moving retirees off health plans

Sep 9, 2013
Retirees from IBM and Time Warner will have to go shopping for health coverage.

New reports give estimated costs of healthcare reform plans

Sep 5, 2013
New reports give estimated costs of ACA health plans

Teenagers who could sign up for Medicaid, but don't

Sep 4, 2013
After a long fight over Obamacare, Michigan will offer expanded Medicaid coverage starting next spring. But will everyone take advantage of the benefit?

Move over, business owners: Labor is unhappy about Obamacare, too

Sep 2, 2013
Labor unions are unhappy with provisions in the Affordable Care Act that could tax their members' health coverage.

A rush of Obamacare spending, public and private

Aug 23, 2013
The federal government is spending millions of dollars on contracts related to the Affordable Care Act, and private spending to comply with the law is far greater.

UPS health care cuts: What Obamacare will look like?

Aug 22, 2013
UPS’s decision to cut health benefits for spouses of some employees is the latest move by employers to reduce health care costs.

For public good, not for profit.

Getting to know the sickest patients

Aug 21, 2013
Researchers are trying to understand why so-called "super utilizers" keep coming back to the hospital over and over again. Finding answers could cut health costs dramatically.

The defund Obamacare tour kicks off

Aug 19, 2013
Heritage Action for America and leading Republicans will host town halls in nine cities as part of a “Defund Obamacare Tour.” Can the Affordable Care Act really be defunded?

Confusion over Obamacare helps scammers

Aug 16, 2013
The Federal Trade Commission is fielding complaints from consumers who say they have been scammed with fake offers related to the rollout of the Affordable Care Act.