Obamacare: The right medicine for small business?

Nov 7, 2012
Now that President Obama has been reelected, implementation of the Affordable Care Act will shift into high gear, which gives some small business owners a stomach ache.

Hospitals cash in on patient satisfaction

Oct 22, 2012
Under the new healthcare law, hospitals can be rewarded for improving patient care.

Health insurance industry healthier than predicted

Oct 17, 2012
Parts of President Obama's health care reform have already been implemented without causing the expected fiscal fallout.

Alabama on the fence about taking money for Medicaid

Sep 18, 2012
Alabama joins a slew of lawmakers who are ambivalent about taking funds from the Fed to cover the millions more people who will become eligible for Medicaid under Obamacare.

What is the cost of a House vote?

Jul 11, 2012
Congress votes on repealing Obamacare for the 33rd time. Are symbolic votes worth the cost to taxpayers?

Texas opts out of key health care reform provisions

Jul 10, 2012
It's been almost two weeks since the Supreme Court ruled President Obama's health care overhaul constitutional. Today Texas Governor Rick Perry has officially announced his plans to opt out of the Medicaid expansion and insurance exchanges included in the Affordable Care Act.

A week after Supreme Court decision, Americans still divided

Jul 5, 2012
It's been exactly a week since the Supreme Court announced that President Obama's healthcare overhaul is constitutional. Have Americans shifted their view of the law?

For public good, not for profit.

The biggest tax increase since...1993?

Jul 2, 2012
Where the Affordable Care Act ranks in U.S. tax history.

The health care mandate and your wallet

Jun 29, 2012
The Supreme Court ruled that President Obama's health care mandate is constitutional. So what does that mean for citizens?
Protestors stand outside the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington, D.C.
Kris Connor/Getty Images

American people like some parts of the health care law

Jun 28, 2012
The healthcare law itself may be unpopular but parts of it are quite attractive to the American people, according to Gallup research.