One solution for food security: putting seeds in a vault

Sep 30, 2016
The Svalbard Global Seed Vault tries to keep a supply of crop seeds safe in case of food shortages.
A man carries one of the newly arrived boxes containing seeds from Japan and USA into the international gene bank Svalbard Global Seed Vault, outside Longyearbyen on Spitsbergen, Norway.

Chinese investors are buying up French farmland

Sep 19, 2016
French farmland is being sought by China in a bid to assure its own food supplies.
A farmer drives a combine harvester during a wheat harvest in Monthodon near Tours, central France.


Tobacco farmers see green in indigo

Sep 8, 2016
One company offers growers a way to raise the dye plant instead.
Farmers David Fulton ,left, and Larry Williams inspect a sprig of indigo in Fulton's field. They primarily farm tobacco.
Emily Siner, WPLN

Eggs are so cheap, the U.S. is stepping in to buy some

Sep 2, 2016
A 1935 program authorizes the U.S.D.A's purchase of excess commodities, like eggs.
A notice that the price of eggs will be rising soon is seen at a Giant grocery store in Clifton, Virginia. In 2015, widespread outbreaks of Avian Flu costed poultry producers almost 40 million birds, causing the price of eggs to rise sharply.




The frozen orange juice market is getting squeezed

Aug 29, 2016
A change in consumer tastes and a crop disease have taken their toll on this American breakfast classic.
Jon Sullivan/Flickr

Why sugar beet farmers are all in on GMOs

Aug 9, 2016
If consumers turn against GMO crops, however, farmers know they'll have to adapt
Duck (Daniel) Younggren in one of his sugar beet fields in Hallock, Minn. His family has been growing sugar beets there since 1965 and started using genetically modified seeds nearly a decade ago.
Annie Baxter/Marketplace

Egg producers skittish about cage-free investments

Jul 7, 2016
As cage-free egg sales slow, producers hesitate to invest in cage-free systems.
Various companies are going cage-free, but premium eggs aren't selling well.

For public good, not for profit.

Brexit effects could show up in US farm economy

Jun 30, 2016
The UK's exit could remove an important US agriculture ally.
 Storm clouds pass over a soybean field near Salem, South Dakota
Scott Olson/Getty Images

Why a trade war would be particularly bad for California

Jun 6, 2016
As California's voters turn out for Tuesday's primary, a trade war worries many.
Almonds grow on a tree located in Firebaugh, California. Forty percent of produce from California farmers gets sold overseas.
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

To free your hens or not? That's a big question

Jun 2, 2016
As food companies pledge to use cage-free eggs, who will provide them?
Cage-free hens at an organic egg operation in Viroqua, WI.
Annie Baxter/Marketplace