Stories Tagged as
Battling frost in Washington's blueberry heartland
Apr 27, 2016
Blueberries are budding in a warm spring, but frosty nights can take a hefty toll
Oil pushes out Venezuela's agriculture
Scott Tong
Apr 18, 2016
A strong currency pushed up by oil exports, and national price controls, have marginalized once strong economic sectors
GMO acreage falls — along with commodity prices
Andy Uhler
Apr 13, 2016
For crops where GMO seeds are big, they're 90 percent of the market
Farmers feel thrown under the bus as Big Food changes
Annie Baxter
Feb 26, 2016
Some farmers feel their concerns are ignored as the food industry changes.
John Deere has a secret side that makes lots of money
Feb 19, 2016
How the maker of tractors and combines learned to love finance.
Deere & Co. hit by farm economy slump
Annie Baxter
Nov 25, 2015
Deere & Co. is getting hit by a downturn in the ag economy.
For public good, not for profit.
White House to Cuba: embargo? What embargo?
Nov 13, 2015
U.S. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack is in Cuba right now. Embargo or no.
Large companies stoke the fires in Indonesia’s peatlands
Kai Ryssdal
and Robert Garrova
Nov 5, 2015
Vegetation has been cleared by burning for years, but now it’s out of control.
Why a dry California will still grow a lot of food
Annie Baxter
Oct 20, 2015
Agriculture experts don't expect a big exodus of food production from the state.