Iowa's 'ag gag' sponsor defends bill

Mar 1, 2012
Iowa's state legislature passed a bill that would crack down on anyone trying to secretly document animal conditions at farming facilities. Animal rights activists are outraged, but the bill's sponsor says it's a necessary measure to protect private property.

The future of food in a warming world

Feb 27, 2012
Bangladesh, once a poster child for the food crisis, has made dramatic progress. But will our changing climate sweep away the gains?

The journey from farm to the dinner table

Feb 21, 2012
In her new book, journalist Tracie MacMillan explores the various ways that Americans grow, buy, sell and eat their food.

High-tech farm investment unphased by election

Feb 2, 2012
Farmers in the Midwest hardly notice it's an election year. When times are good, as they are now in Nebraska, farmers make high-priced investments in hopes of more profitable crops next year.

New 2012 farm bill could end some crop subsidies

Feb 1, 2012
In Nebraska, where agriculture is booming right now, farmers say they aren't worried about possible changes or even if the decades-old direct subsidies disappear altogether. They just want the cuts in farm programs to be fair and equitable.

Nebraska manufacturers make dramatic comeback

Jan 31, 2012
How employees at one Nebraska manufacturer pulled together to survive recession, and now the future seems brighter than ever.

The drought that keeps on taking

Dec 28, 2011
Poised to become the worst two-year drought on record, the Texas drought will be felt far into 2012.

For public good, not for profit.

Fewer trees in Texas

Dec 22, 2011
The Lone Star State loses as many as half a billion trees in 2011 -- and that's not including the wildfires.

Italy's other crisis: White truffle shortage

Nov 9, 2011
A dry summer has hurt the white truffle harvest in Italy, leaving an impact on the usually lucrative market.