Older zoos face decisions around cages built for different times

Feb 6, 2023
The Maryland Zoo in Baltimore is planning to spend millions to build new habitats next to historic wrought-iron cages.
A black cage that no longer houses animals at the Maryland Zoo in Baltimore.
Stephanie Hughes/Marketplace

Sea World celebrates 50 years amid animal care concerns

Mar 20, 2014
Despite “Blackfish,” SeaWorld generated more than $1 billion last year

Faux fur: The only fur in West Hollywood

Sep 23, 2013
West Hollywood instituted a first-in-the-nation ban on fur sales. Are stores unhappy?

NIH chimps program retired

Jun 27, 2013
The National Institutes of Health just announced that it's going to drastically reduce the number of chimpanzees it keeps in captivity for medical research.

Could California's humane chicken law hatch a national trend? (Map)

Jun 13, 2013
A battle is brewing over a California law that requires laying-hens to be given more space in the coop. Other egg-producing states want to override the law’s requirement.

Iowa's 'ag gag' sponsor defends bill

Mar 1, 2012
Iowa's state legislature passed a bill that would crack down on anyone trying to secretly document animal conditions at farming facilities. Animal rights activists are outraged, but the bill's sponsor says it's a necessary measure to protect private property.

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