From the "This Can Only End Horribly" files

Oct 31, 2011
Anonymous thinks Mexican drug cartel kidnappers have a conscience. In retaliation for kidnapping an Anonymous member in Veracruz, Mexico, the...

Busy masked hackers

Sep 26, 2011
Anonymous hacked into the Syrian Ministry of Defense website this morning. A group member says it's "part of a broader effort by the loosely...

Anonymous is big business for Time Warner

Aug 29, 2011
Nick Bilton has a pretty hilarious piece in the NYT today about the hacking group/collective/trend/fad/whatever known as Anonymous. Anonymouseurs...

Anonymous attacks BART

Aug 15, 2011
The hacking group got into the website for Bay Area Rapid Transit and stole and exposed personal information on 2400 of the site's 55,000 users....

Threat by Anonymous to destroy Facebook on 11/5 is probably a hoax.

Aug 10, 2011
Hogwash, hooey, shenanigans. Yesterday, there were lots of reports of a YouTube video that claimed to be from the anonymous hacking group known as...

Anonymous continues to have a busy summer

Aug 8, 2011
No dog days of lounging poolside with lemonade for the showboating collective of nameless hackers. They got hacks to hack! 70 sheriff sites have...

Tracking Anonymous

Jul 27, 2011
The FBI has been raiding alleged members of the hacking collective Anonymous in recent weeks. This morning, Wired's Threat Level blogs unearthed...

For public good, not for profit.

Anonymous says its starting its own social network

Jul 18, 2011
Well, good luck with that. AnonPlus will, we are told, be a rival to Google+ and Facebook but without any censorship and without any need to reveal...

Military Meltdown Monday

Jul 12, 2011
The hacktivist group Anonymous posted around 90,000 military email addresses online on Monday. Hackers got the addresses from Booz Allen Hamilton...

Anonymous hackers rounded up in Italy

Jul 8, 2011
I mean, they're hackers with names. They're not just mysterious nameless hackers. They're accused of being part of the hacking group known as...