Europe shifts away from austerity, but that's easier said than done

May 3, 2012
The head of the European Central Bank said today that economic growth has to be central to the plan to get Europe out of its debt crisis

Should U.S. fear austerity?

May 2, 2012
Commentator Robert Reich says new recession could follow if the U.S. adopts Europe's deep cuts in government spending.

Austerity rules in Europe, but the people push back

Apr 24, 2012
French president Nicholas Sarkozy and former Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte find rising popular resentment at the austerity packages they implement.

France, Netherlands backing down from austerity

Apr 23, 2012
Europe's strategy for dealing with it's debt crisis was called into question over the weekend following two big political developments: One in France, one in the Netherlands.

U.S. warns Europe on 'draconian' austerity

Mar 20, 2012
Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner testifies on Capitol Hill Tuesday about the European Debt crisis, urging European countries to avoid 'draconian' budget cuts that could make matters worse.

More uncertainty looms after Greek cuts

Feb 13, 2012
Greeks rioted over the weekend, burning dozens of buildings in protest against budget cuts that are the latest condition for a $170 billion bailout from the European Union and the International Monetary Fund.

Greece adopts drastic austerity measures

Feb 13, 2012
Overnight, the Greek parliament imposed drastic cuts that will layoff some 150,000 government workers, raise the retirement age and lower the minimum wage by 20 percent. What would the same cutbacks feel like here in the U.S.?

For public good, not for profit.

The Greek spending cuts in U.S. terms

Feb 13, 2012
More strict austerity measures were passed in Greece over the weekend. What would the equivalent of the cuts look like here at home?

Greeks protesting at another critical moment for Europe

Feb 10, 2012
A day after the government submitted a budget cutting plan that’s needed in order for Greece to get more bailout money, there are huge strikes over the cuts going on in Athens today.

Protests in Athens over latest proposed cuts

Feb 10, 2012
Greeks are striking again today to protest deep cuts the government wants to make in order to get more bailout money. But even the most recent austerity deal Greece proposed might not be enough.