American Airlines after Chapter 11

Nov 29, 2011
Airline travel analyst George Hobica discusses American Airlines' legacy and future in light of its bankruptcy filings.

The next steps for American Airlines

Nov 29, 2011
The parent company of American Airlines filed bankruptcy today, but what does that mean for customers and employees in the near future?

American Airlines files for bankruptcy

Nov 29, 2011
The struggling airline has declared bankruptcy after a poor third quarter, but it says it will keep its scheduled flights running.

Mid-day Extra: Saying "adios" to a Mexican food great

Oct 18, 2011
The parent company of El Torito and Chevys Fresh Mex declared bankruptcy earlier this month. But it left a legacy of bringing a regional cuisine to the rest of the country.

Harrisburg implodes -- what other municipalities are in danger?

Oct 12, 2011
When I was a lad I decorated my room with a poster of a nuclear mushroom cloud, with "Harrisburg is Everywhere" written in big letters across the...
The Capitol Building in Pennsylvania's capital Harrisburg.
Mladen Antonov/AFP/Getty Images

For public good, not for profit.

MIDDAY UPDATE: foreclosure trials, distracted drivers, and haggis

Jan 24, 2011
A federal court in Delaware will hear two cases regarding whether two bankrupt sub-prime mortgage lenders can destroy thousands of boxes of...

SHOCKING: National Enquirer to file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy

Nov 1, 2010
This final note today. Another icon of American journalism's going under. The publisher of the National Enquirer announced today it's going to file...

On a financial precipice

Feb 8, 2010
Question: There is a leak in my "solar equity energy". I did the "home ATM" and have refinanced myself into oblivion. I have an ARM which is at 7.5...