Bitcoin miners are optimistic about the future

Dec 21, 2017
There’s been a little dip in the bitcoin market this week. The cryptocurrency has dropped about 10 percent against the dollar. Of course, that’s in the face of a 1,700 percent rise in the past year, so those tulip bulb analogies still apply. Speculators, however, (investors, if you prefer) are just one side of the […]

5 things you need to know about bitcoin

Dec 15, 2017
Marketplace Tech host Molly Wood on the must-knows of the crytpocurrency.
In an age of encryption, one of the major innovations of Bitcoin is their block-chain technology, which allows for transaction to be encrypted and tracked.

Bringing regulation to cryptocurrency

Dec 11, 2017
Bitcoin’s wild ride is getting even wilder. Yesterday saw the launch of bitcoin futures, trading on the Chicago Board Options Exchange. Interest was so high it nearly crashed the CBOE website and the exchange briefly halted trading a couple of times after the price jumped erratically. So, we’ve all heard bitcoin is volatile, risky, maybe […]

What's behind bitcoin's dramatic rise?

Dec 11, 2017
And is the bubble going to be dangerous when it pops?
Dan Kitwood/Getty Images

What if someone gave you bitcoin for your wedding?

Dec 6, 2017
Would you cash out early or hang on to it? A Wall Street Journal reporter tells how he tried to time the cryptocurrency market.

Trade in bitcoin at your own risk

Nov 30, 2017
Bitcoin. The cryptocurrency is on a wild and volatile ride. The price of a coin has grown ten-fold in the past year, hitting a high of more than $11,000 for one bitcoin yesterday, before tumbling some 20 percent this morning. Everybody, it seems, wants in on the action. But a growing number of economists and […]

Schools have become the latest target of cyberattacks

Oct 13, 2017
A hacking organization shut down a Montana school district for three days following threats of violence and a demand for bitcoin.
A laptop displays a message after being infected by a ransomware as part of a worldwide cyberattack.

For public good, not for profit.

Why are countries so afraid of bitcoin?

Sep 22, 2017
The cryptocurrency has been blocked by a handful of countries.
In an age of encryption, one of the major innovations of Bitcoin is their block-chain technology, which allows for transaction to be encrypted and tracked.

Hackers may 'WannaCry' when trying to cash in on the worldwide cyberattack

May 15, 2017
The global cyberattack known as WannaCry continued to spread today, with 300,000 computers infected in 150 countries. The attack involves so-called ransomware, which basically holds the important files of victims hostage and then demands payment to unlock them. In this case, payment is the virtual currency bitcoin. Given to the scale of the attack, it […]