Bing and Blackberry team up in a collaboration that is not sad at all

May 4, 2011
Microsoft's Bing, the John Oates of search engines, has teamed up with Research In Motion's Blackberry, Pittsburgh Pirates of device makers, on a...

PlayBook reviews are in and they are not good

Apr 14, 2011
Research In Motion's long awaited tablet is now in the hands of reviewers and they're not digging it so much. Which is really enormously bad news...

Apple delays launch of PlayBook

Apr 7, 2011
Waaaaaait a second! Apple doesn't even MAKE the PlayBook, that's Research In Motion's product, the tablet heir to the BlackBerry. Yes, you're right...

Senators not happy about apps that help drunk drivers

Mar 24, 2011
Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ), Harry Reid (D-NV), Charles Schumer (D-NY), and Tom Udall (D-NM) have sent a letter to Apple, Google and RIM saying apps...

Toward the top of the cresting (or possibly swelling) wave of tablets

Jan 6, 2011
Two tablets that are getting a lot of press coming out of CES are Motorola's Xoom and RIM's PlayBook. The Xoom runs on Android and Motorola is...

Is Kik too perfect to live?

Nov 9, 2010
The messenger app Kik has only been public for 18 days but it's become insanely popular, already well above 1.5 million users. It's free, fast as...

Motorola Droid Pro wants to eat BlackBerry's lunch

Oct 6, 2010
As BlackBerry flails somewhat in trying to capture a share of the consumer smartphone market, at least it has had business customers to fall back...

For public good, not for profit.