Spain succeeds in bond auction despite high borrowing cost

Jun 7, 2012
Spain's government raised $2.6 billion at a bond auction this morning, but their financial crisis still looms with the banking system and government propping each other up.

Government debt costs soar in Spain, slump in U.S.

May 30, 2012
Spain now pays more than 6.6 percent on its 10-year bonds. The U.S. pays just over 1.6 percent. Eurozone debt, however, may yet hurt both sides of the Atlantic.

Stocks vs. bonds

Apr 27, 2012
Safe stocks? Risky bonds? Chris Farrell looks at a new investing paradigm.

Markets feeling the ripples from Europe and earthquake

Apr 11, 2012
There were several massive earthquakes off the coast of Indonesia today, triggering tsunami warnings across the Indian Ocean. Those warnings have been cancelled and no serious damage has been reported so far.

A subdued reading on rates

Apr 2, 2012
The survey consensus was for no increase to slight increase in interest rates for 2012. Nothing dramatic. Very muted. There's no sense that the economy will turn gangbusters. At best, the economy will show modest gains in 2012.

Helping out brother with money

Mar 8, 2012
My problem is that my brother (in his late 20s) is super lazy and would never do any financial planning on his own. I've been trying to get him to open a Roth IRA for a while, but no chance. So now I'm thinking of starting one for him for his birthday and setting it up so a certain portion of his paycheck will transfer automatically. But there's no way he will ever be motivated/responsible enough to do his own investing. I'm not sure what strategy to follow because I don't want to do his investments for him. Is it worth hiring a professional? Do the major online trading sites (Etrade, Vanguard, ScottTrade, etc.) offer some kind of package where you just add some money and it is professionally invested for you? Any advice you have would be greatly appreciated!! Thank you! Laura, Chicago, IL

Taking a loss on Greek bonds

Mar 8, 2012
Private investors are being asked to accept big losses on their loans to Greece, in order for the country to get more bailout money and avoid a messy default that could send Europe back into crisis. About two-thirds of bondholders so far have agreed.

For public good, not for profit.

Malthus visits Wall Street

Mar 7, 2012
I don't think investors should fear the march of time. The specter of a baby boomer-driven stock and bond market implosion seems implausible to me largely because of the move toward market economies around the world. By the time retiring boomers are selling in earnest, markets will be even more global than they are now. There are a lot of foreigners to buy U.S. assets.

What's the difference: Secured vs. unsecured bonds

Jan 26, 2012
Learn the difference between secured and unsecured debt -- a lesson that Irish taxpayers could use as they face the prospect of footing the bill for the bailout of state-owned Anglo Irish Bank.
Learn the difference between secured and unsecured debt -- a lesson that Irish taxpayers could use as they face the prospect of footing the bill for the bailout of state-owned Anglo Irish Bank.
Angela Kim/Marketplace