What's in the new energy bill? What do you think of it?

Jul 27, 2010
Today, aides for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev) outlined a slimmed back energy and oil spill bill that would:...

MID-DAY UPDATE: BP says the spill will cost $32 BD. And that's...

Jul 27, 2010
/**/ ... good news? Well, not as bad as feared. (Hope the Gulf can say the same.) Home prices up, but consumer confidence down. Big manufac...

For public good, not for profit.

MID-DAY UPDATE: Economic news bad. Stock prices good.

Jul 22, 2010
/**/ Sales of previously occupied homes fell in June; new unemployment benefit plans rose. Yet at this writing, Wall Street's jumping. What d...

MID-DAY UPDATE: A reason to check the mailbox again

Jul 20, 2010
*The Mid-Day Update is a five-day-a-week podcast from the Marketplace Morning Report co-hosted by Bill Radke and Steve Chiotakis that wraps up the...

MID-DAY UPDATE: BP: 'Tis but a scratch!

Jul 19, 2010
*The Mid-Day Update is a five-day-a-week podcast from the Marketplace Morning Report co-hosted by Bill Radke and Steve Chiotakis that wraps up the...