Trump trade tariffs could save some jobs, endanger others

Mar 5, 2018
Approximately 140,000 Americans now work in primary steel and aluminum production — down from approximately 230,000 in 2000, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Meanwhile, according to Moody’s Analytics, more than 6 million Americans work in industries that use steel and aluminum to make other products, such as motor vehicles, aerospace, construction and metal […]

Were retail jobs always low wage, with few benefits?

Feb 9, 2018
A brief history of retail work in America.
STR/AFP/Getty Images

Why you should care about the government's economic data

Jan 25, 2017
Private companies, investors, workers and consumers depend on government economic data for a wide array of financial decisions.
Jason Costanza/Flickr

Labor Department releases revised Q3 productivity

Dec 2, 2015
The numbers can help predict other aspects of economic growth.

Veteran unemployment improving, but unequally

Nov 11, 2015
Veterans have lower unemployment than civilians, but it's harder for young vets.

Take the jobs report with a grain of salt

Nov 7, 2014
And maybe some pepper too. We don't actually know how many jobs there are.

Good news and bad news on jobs

Nov 7, 2014
The economy added 214,000 new jobs last month, but that's not the full picture.

For public good, not for profit.

The labor force participation rate is at a low point (updated)

Nov 7, 2014
While the unemployment rate has improved, other statistics tell a different story.

Why don't we count all the unemployed?

Jul 1, 2014
What does it mean to be "actively" looking for work?

Unemployment dips to 7.2 percent; 148,000 jobs added

Oct 22, 2013
The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that the economy added 148,000 jobs last month. The unemployment rate fell to 7.2 percent.