What's all the buzz about decaf coffee?

Jun 7, 2024
With advances in the decaffeination process and the use of better beans, coffee lovers are giving decaf another shot.
A coffee maker from Houston won the U.S. Brewers Cup, "but he won it with decaf, which is kind of like winning the Tour de France on a unicycle," says reporter Matt Kronsberg.
Tim Boyle/Getty Images

Caffeine: America's addictive drug of choice

Mar 12, 2014
Journalist Murray Carpenter goes inside the big business of caffeine in his new book, "Caffeinated: How our daily habit helps, hurts, and hooks us."

How much caffeine is in that Starbucks cup?

Aug 8, 2013
Ranking coffee brands by caffeine amounts.

Caffeine gum could give Wrigley a jolt

Mar 8, 2013
Wrigley plans to start selling “Alert” gum next month -- that is, gum with caffeine. Gum sales overall are down, and “energy” products are booming. But cities, states and the FDA are investigating caffeine marketing to kids.

FDA investigating 5-hour Energy drink

Nov 15, 2012
Energy drinks are boosting sleepy beverage sales, even as the FDA investigates both Monster Energy and 5-hour Energy.

Four Loko drops caffeine from its beverages amid an expected FDA ban

Nov 17, 2010
What do you have when mix you four beers with two cups of coffee? Some call it Four Loko - the canned beverage sold by Chicago-based Phusion Pro...

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