Higher rates may not solve California's property insurance woes

May 6, 2024
With climate change hiking insurer costs, the state may allow catastrophe modeling as a stopgap, says former Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones.
"As climate change  has driven more frequent and severe weather-related events, it's killing people, damaging property and causing more insurance losses," says Dave Jones, a former state insurance commissioner.
Mario Tama/Getty Images

As hurricanes get more severe, how do insurers calculate risk?

Jul 4, 2023
Risks and costs are rising, largely due to climate change, but where the risk hits is key, a veteran "catastrophe modeler" says.
A home in Fort Myers Beach, Florida, that was destroyed by Hurricane Ian. "Hurricanes are like real estate," catastrophe modeler Karen Clark says. What matters is "location, location, location."
Joe Raedle/Getty Images