Stories Tagged as
Charity time replacing the office party
Jeff Tyler
Dec 10, 2009
With unemployment high and budgets low, employers are grappling with the idea of ditching their annual holiday party. And some offices are using the time as an opportunity to let employees donate efforts to charity. Jeff Tyler reports.
Asking for charity for the first time
Kai Ryssdal
Dec 3, 2009
Sherman Wilburn of Minneapolis has often given his time and money to others in need. Now he finds himself asking for help. He talks with Kai Ryssdal about the difficult times facing him and his family.
Beware of charities' 'donor illusion'
Dec 3, 2009
Donors to charities get satisfaction from thinking their money is going to a particular person or project with which they then have a special relationship. But those relationships sometimes aren't so special. Ashley Milne-Tyte reports.
Going to school on Afghans' problems
Kai Ryssdal
Dec 2, 2009
Decades of violent conflict in Afghanistan have left much of the country homeless, hungry and jobless. Greg Mortenson is trying to address those problems by building schools there. He joins Kai Ryssdal to talk about his efforts.
A new measure of success for charities
Dec 2, 2009
The overhead ratio is commonly used when deciding whether or not to donate to a particular charity. But judging activity versus administrative costs may not be the best way to determine a group's effectiveness. Ashley Milne-Tyte reports.
Philanthropy's big buzzwords of 2009
Dec 1, 2009
Philanthropy consultant Lucy Bernholz talks with Kai Ryssdal about the top charity-related buzzwords of 2009, a year in which she says necessity was the mother of social innovation.
Facing challenges of feeding the needy
Nov 26, 2009
Supply, funding and price are some of the big challenges facing programs feeding needy Americans. How can food assistance groups overcome these obstacles? Steve Chiotakis talks to Betsy Zeidman of the Milken Institute.
For public good, not for profit.
Food pantry lets hungry be selective
Joel Rose
Nov 26, 2009
A food pantry in Philadelphia has found a new way to distribute its goods to the hungry. Designed like a 7-11, clients can walk through the store with a grocery cart and accumulate whatever will fit in the basket. Joel Rose reports.
Food pantry donations get a little fruity
Caitlan Reeg
Nov 26, 2009
Food pantries have seen demand at record highs this year while donations have dwindled. But some help has come from people who, instead of donating money, have provided the fruits of their labor. Caitlan Carroll reports.
Will NYC charity fraud hurt donations?
Amy Scott
Nov 25, 2009
New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo announced that well-known charity the United Homeless Organization is a fraud. The news could have a chilling effect on donations to legitimate groups. Amy Scott reports.