Donations down at national food banks

Nov 28, 2008
Food banks are reporting their donations are down at a time when demand is at a high. Joel Rose goes to a food bank in Philadelphia and finds out how bad the situation is in a region where hunger is on the rise.

Helping the needy gets tougher

Nov 27, 2008
Demand for food assistance is rising and food banks are struggling to keep up. Senior Correspondent Bob Moon visits a mission to see what demand looks like first hand.

Millionaire invests in changing attitudes

Nov 27, 2008
We've all heard money can't buy you love or happiness. But if you have enough of it, you might have a chance at changing people's hearts and minds. That's what software millionaire Tim Gill is trying to do. Jeremy Hobson reports.

The difficulties getting food to the poor

Nov 18, 2008
U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization members are in Rome to deal with a looming food crisis among the world's poor. Kai Ryssdal talks to food policy expert Joakim Von Braun about a key issue in food distribution -- security.

D.C. has big donation void to fill

Oct 28, 2008
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac may not be viewed too favorably for their roles in the current credit crisis, but they were big contributors to local charities. Rachel Dornhelm looks into the loss for D.C. nonprofits.

Redefining poverty in the U.S.

Oct 17, 2008
The U.S. definition of poverty is more than 40 years old, and critics think it's time for an overhaul. Mayors from all over the country met in L.A. to come up with a plan for resetting the poverty line. Rachel Dornhelm has more.

Don't forget the already poor

Oct 13, 2008
Charities are taking a blow from the economic crisis, as are emerging-nation businesses that rely on loans and profits. Commentator Edward Miguel warns of the consequences of heightened poverty.

For public good, not for profit.

Americans help Brits beg for bucks

Sep 12, 2008
Fundraising or even asking for money at all is just not something the Brits are comfortable with. From London, Christopher Werth reports that many organizations hire Americans to do the dirty work.

Millionaire invests in changing attitudes

Sep 10, 2008
We've all heard money can't buy you love or happiness. But if you have enough of it, you might have a chance at changing people's hearts and minds. That's what software millionaire Tim Gill is trying to do. Jeremy Hobson reports.

At $200, one laptop per everyone?

Sep 5, 2008
The non-profit program called One Laptop Per Child will be teaming up with big business this holiday season to make it easier for anyone to buy one of its $200 models. Dan Grech reports.