New L.A. museum exhibits new art deal

Feb 15, 2008
Los Angeles' new Broad Contemporary Art Museum, funded by real-estate baron Eli Broad, will house his immense collection. But he's only lending his art. Andrea Gardner reports on how this unusual arrangement might set a trend.

Global Fast: Creating economies in Haiti

Feb 6, 2008
Instead of donating food, one young man had a better idea: He founded a charity to teach Haitians modern fishing methods, and create an economy. Dan Grech reports on the mission of Global Fast.

Red Cross looks to stop the bleeding

Jan 16, 2008
The American Red Cross is reported to be facing a $200 million deficit. It may cut as much as 30 percent of its headquarters workforce and other jobs around the country. As Ashley Milne-Tyte reports, fund-raising just ain't what it used to be.

Kenya's unrest stirs survival struggles

Jan 14, 2008
Violence and protests in Kenya continue over its disputed presidential election. Reporter Sara Nics recently traveled with a Red Cross aid mission there. She talks with host Tess Vigeland about what she saw.

A tough year for the needy

Dec 31, 2007
Smaller nonprofits like food banks and shelters struggled for donations in 2007, but wealthier organizations like museums and universities had a great year. Janet Babin looks into why.

Giving to charity can benefit you, too

Dec 28, 2007
There are around 350,000 charitable organizations to donate to in this country. How do you decide where your money should go? Mary Stucky reports there are ways to give that benefit both you and the charity.

Sometimes charity is better a mystery

Dec 28, 2007
She donates about a quarter of her income a year, but never reveals her identity to her recipients. Amy Radil brings us the story of a mystery donor, why she gives close to home and what she's learned about the art of charity.

For public good, not for profit.

Small loans make big difference

Dec 28, 2007
Looking for a new way to be charitable? How about lending to a business on the other side of the world? New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof did, and traveled to meet his beneficiaries. He talks to Tess Vigeland.
Baker Abdul Satar in Kabul, Afghanistan shakes hands with one of his benefactors from microlending website

A hedge fund for the children

Dec 28, 2007
Hedge funds have drawn fire for their methods in buying companies and selling off the pieces. But one London-based fund has largely escaped criticism, depite its fearsome reputation. Stephen Beard reports.

For-profit helps keep charity running

Dec 28, 2007
The business model for TOM's Shoes gives an impoverished child a pair of shoes for each customer that buys a pair. Brett Brune reports the for-profit nature of the company helps it stay in motion.