President Trump's tariffs are good for U.S. garlic growers

Jun 20, 2019
"This is a really exciting time for the garlic capital of the world," says Ken Christopher of Christopher Ranch in Gilroy, California.
Executive Vice President Ken Christopher holds garlic cloves at Christopher Ranch in Gilroy, California.

Why a mystery social media account on the U.S.-China trade talks is generating buzz

May 28, 2019
China’s state-run media has been tight-lipped about trade talks, but a mystery social media account seems to have the inside track.
A headline on a Taoran Notes article on the U.S.-China trade talks reads: "Without sincerity, there is no point in coming for talks and nothing to talk about.” Credit: Taoran Notes/WeChat
Taoran Notes/WeChat

Trade deficit widens in March

May 9, 2019
The overall deficit getting bigger isn't necessarily a bad thing, said Dan Ikenson, director of the Herbert A. Stiefel Center for Trade Policy Studies at the Cato Institute.
Container ships are docked at the Port of Oakland on March 06, 2019 in California.
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

This U.S.-China deadline looms before the trade war deepens

Feb 11, 2019
U.S.-China negotiators have less than three weeks to come to a deal before the trade war deepens. Tariffs on Chinese imports are set to rise from 10 percent to 25 percent after March 1. An official delegation begins meeting Monday in Beijing, joined by top Trump administration officials — Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and U.S. […]
Shipping containers from China and other nations are unloaded at the Long Beach Port in Los Angeles, California on February 16, 2019.

The trade war impacts everything from Apple to apples

How the U.S.-China trade war is affecting agribusiness and the rest of the global economy.
Sean Gallup/Getty Images

What if U.S.-China trade talks fail?

Jan 30, 2019
Chinese and American trade negotiators meet in Washington Wednesday and Thursday to achieve an amicable end to the two countries’ current trade tensions. It won’t be easy. Sure, the United States might lower tariffs in exchange for China taking more of U.S. fossil fuels and soybeans. But the talks could still fail. The Trump administration […]

Why tariffs threaten to raise the cost of drinking water

Oct 25, 2018
The Trump administration's tariffs on steel, aluminum and more than $250 billion worth of Chinese products are turning up in the darndest of places.
Franck Fife/AFP/Getty Images

For public good, not for profit.

Why tariffs threaten to raise the cost of drinking water

Oct 25, 2018
The Trump administration's tariffs on steel, aluminum and more than $250 billion worth of Chinese products are turning up in the darndest of places.
Franck Fife/AFP/Getty Images