Stories Tagged as
Worries about China have markets on alert
Mar 23, 2012
China appears to be on the verge of an economic slowdown, and that has investors around the globe concerned.
U.S. to impose tariffs on Chinese solar panels
Rob Schmitz
Mar 21, 2012
The U.S. will impose new tariffs on cheap Chinese solar panels. The new duties will be low. Analysts say it's not likely to spark a trade war.
China to hike oil prices, risk slower growth
Rob Schmitz
Mar 20, 2012
China's government has announced a 7 percent oil price increase. The hike could slow growth but some say it might also reduce wealth inequality.
Experts see solid signs that China growth is slowing
Mar 15, 2012
A respected JP Morgan analyst has claimed that it is a sure thing that the Chinese economy will be coming in for a "hard landing," at 6 percent growth.
U.S. challenges China in WTO over rare earth restrictions
Mar 13, 2012
The Obama administration is taking China to the World Trade Organization saying it's not playing fair with those crucial raw materials.
The rare earth advantage
Scott Tong
Mar 13, 2012
U.S. and EU complain to the World Trade Organization about Chinese dominance and policy in the vital high-tech sector.
U.S., EU and Japan protesting China's rare earth policy
Mar 13, 2012
It takes a lot of what are called rare earths to make the electronics that keep us going in the 21st century. The Obama Administration believes China is holding back its supply of these special metals to drive up prices and now the U.S. , the European Union, and Japan are taking their beef about China to the World Trade Organization.
For public good, not for profit.
Building skyscrapers at record speed
David Brancaccio
and Jeremy Hobson
Mar 12, 2012
A new 30 story building in China went up in just two weeks. How is this possible and more importantly, how can it be safe?
Apple fights for 'iPad' in China
Rob Schmitz
Mar 8, 2012
A day after Apple announced the latest iPad, the company is just as busy in China, where its lawyers are fighting a court decision that ruled Apple doesn't own the trademarked name 'iPad' there.
Apple's latest announcement expected today
Mar 7, 2012
As Apple makes a big announcement in the U.S., it may take some of the heat off the company for labor conditions at its suppliers in China and the lack of American jobs it creates.