Why China's real estate market is booming

Jun 10, 2011
In China, homes are being built like they're going out of style -- and people are buying. From Shanghai, Marketplace host Kai Ryssdal discusses what's going on with China's real estate market and whether it's heading towards a bubble.

Day Twelve: Notes on the way home

Jun 10, 2011
At the end of Marketplace's two week trip to China, host Kai Ryssdal reflects on how the country has changed since our first visit five years ago and why we decided to come back.

Chinese school defies rigid exam-focused education

Jun 9, 2011
In most Chinese high schools, outdated rote learning is the norm. But one school in Beijing is promoting creativity and independent thinking.

Day Eleven: China's traffic

Jun 8, 2011
Navigating the roads in China's big cities can be a scary experience. Why has traffic gotten so bad in recent years?

Day Ten: China's move from rural to urban

Jun 8, 2011
The Chinese government wants to move people from farm to factory to keep its economy growing. But with 800 million people out in the countryside, it's not an easy feat.

China's university students sometimes slack off

Jun 8, 2011
In China, a student's school years are typically very demanding. But when some students get into university, they start to take it easy.

The downside of exam-based education in China

Jun 7, 2011
Students in China are taking a key exam that will determine their future. But focusing on the exam, the gao kao, may rob students of creativity.

For public good, not for profit.

Day Eight: A visit to Shanghai's marriage market

Jun 6, 2011
Pressure to get married in China has given rise to a marriage market, a place where parents go to make a love connection for their unmarried children.

Coal mining fuels unrest in China's Inner Mongolia

Jun 6, 2011
Last week, the Chinese government revamped standards and practices for coal mining in Inner Mongolia, in an attempt to calm local anger over possible environmental damage.