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Shanghai lockdown a year on: Is it still the same financial hub?

Mar 27, 2023
Shanghai's 2022 lockdown, which lasted two months, left economic and psychological scars on the metropolis.
A view of Lujiazui, the financial district of Shanghai. Government media refers to the cluster of high-rises as the Manhattan of the East.
Jennifer Pak/Marketplace

Why are women in China not having more babies?

Mar 17, 2023
In China, each woman went from having about three children in the late 1970s to now one. Decades later, the Chinese government wants women to have three children again but is meeting resistance.
A woman holding a baby girl lines up for a PCR COVID test in Shanghai in 2022. Birth rates continued to fall during China's strict zero-COVID policy during the pandemic.
Charles Zhang/Marketplace

Businesses keep close watch on Blinken China visit

Feb 3, 2023
U.S.-China tensions have put Chinese businesses on edge.
Antony Blinken, the U.S. Secretary of State, is expected to meet with senior Chinese leaders in a visit that could set the tone for the wider U.S.-China relationship.
Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images

For business owners in China, a touch-and-go reopening after zero-COVID

Jan 30, 2023
While China's most high-profile executives express unflagging optimism on TV, for small business owners, the picture is more complicated.
Food vendors at the Muslim quarter in Xi'an seem bored without customers in late December 2022. That was when COVID infections swept across China.
Jennifer Pak/Marketplace

China ends zero-COVID, but are consumers ready to spend?

Jan 12, 2023
Chinese officials have lifted the harshest restrictions of the zero-COVID policy, but consumers are still cautious amid surging infections.
A tourist district in Xiamen city in late December 2022 was quiet amid a surge of COVID infections.
Jennifer Pak/Marketplace

For many Chinese workers, the country's zero-COVID policy has tested family bonds

Dec 12, 2022
Most workers who leave small towns for higher pay in big cities can't bring their families with them. For nearly three years, travel restrictions have kept them apart.
A masked factory worker works on a machine line.
Barcroft Media via Getty Images

China's protesters are angry about more than just zero-COVID

Nov 30, 2022
After nearly three years of China's zero-COVID policy, citizens are exhausted and some are calling for more than just an end to the restrictions.
A Shanghai man protesting the deadly apartment fire in locked down Xinjiang holds a sign that reads: Freedom is the oxygen of the soul.
Jennifer Pak/Marketplace

For public good, not for profit.

Some struggle economically as China's 20th Communist Party Congress begins

Oct 14, 2022
Under President Xi Jinping, tech and real estate oversight has tightened, while the private tutoring sector has been flattened.
A sign celebrating the Chinese Communist Party's 100th anniversary sits prominently in a commercial center in Shanghai in 2021.
Charles Zhang/Marketplace

China's lockdowns continue to disrupt personal lives and the global economy

Sep 12, 2022
"There was a convenience shop owner nearby me who ate nothing but instant noodles for weeks," says Marketplace's Jennifer Pak.
A guard wears protective clothing as he stands next to a barrier fence outside a Beijing apartment under lockdown in June.
Kevin Frayer/Getty Images

Why is China reducing its U.S. debt holdings?

Jul 19, 2022
China cuts it U.S. debt portfolio to under $1 trillion, possibly to support its currency or reduce exposure to potential U.S. sanctions.
One reason China may be shedding U.S. Treasurys is to control the depreciation of its currency, the yuan, which has lost value as the dollar has strengthened.
Olivier Douliery/AFP via Getty Images