There's a boom in building warehouses, but what does that mean for the environment?

Aug 3, 2022
New warehouses can sometimes replace green space, which has climate implications.
On a formerly forested lot, trees have been cut down to make way for development.
Emily Jones/WABE

Are businesses making a drop in the bucket for water security?

Aug 1, 2022
Pacific Institute President Jason Morrison, who also heads the CEO Water Mandate, says that companies can lead global action on water.
"The way that we're defining not just about those water volumes, it's also about water quality, and also about access to water for the poor," Pacific Institute President Jason Morrison said about the business-led Water Resilience Coalition.
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

Biden administration launches as extreme heat becomes more common

Aug 1, 2022
The government also boosts funding for a FEMA program to help communities prepare for extreme heat and other climate-related disasters.
While the government is taking steps to address the impacts of extreme heat, climate experts worry that the problem could worsen.
Spencer Platt/Getty Images

The promise and compromise of Senate Democrats' climate change legislation

Jul 29, 2022
Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va.., announced that he would back the package Thursday after previously raising inflation concerns.
Sen. Joe Manchin, a West Virginia Democrat, said Thursday that he had agreed to support the Biden administration's climate change package.
Anna Moneymaker via Getty Images

Senate climate bill includes incentives for new and used EVs

Jul 28, 2022
Demand for clean vehicles is strong in the U.S., but manufacturers are still hampered by supply chain issues.
The new bill would offer tax incentives for electric vehicle purchases to people who make $150,000 or less annually. Above, a Tesla charging station in Pasadena, California.
Mario Tama/Getty Images

Cities respond to rising heat ... with new hires

Jul 25, 2022
A few cities are hiring what's known as a "chief heat officer."
Tourists take selfies of themselves with popsicles during a heat wave in front of the Lincoln Memorial on July 22 in Washington, D.C.
Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images

California's wildfire season is approaching. How is the state preparing?

Jul 11, 2022
"You can pay kind of a lot to get us where we need to be on the front end of a disaster...or you could pay twice or three times as much to rebuild and recover," said Mark Ghilarducci, Director of the California Governor's Office of Emergency Services.
"You can pay kind of a lot to get us where we need to be on the front end of a disaster...or you could pay twice or three times as much to rebuild and recover," said Mark Ghilarducci,  Director of the California Governor's Office of Emergency Services.
David Odisho via Getty Images

For public good, not for profit.

Ocean acidification raises economic concerns for shellfish hatcheries

Jul 5, 2022
Lower pH water, caused by higher carbon dioxide emissions, can kill baby oysters as they fight for minerals to grow their shells.
Oceans are the most acidic they’ve been in 26,000 years, according to the World Meteorological Organization. That can impact the development of shellfish, like the ones fishermen depend on for income.
Joe Raedle/Getty Images

Coal's comeback threatens global goals for fighting climate change

Countries are turning back to less expensive but carbon-heavy coal because of rising energy costs and Russia's war in Ukraine.
With the war in Ukraine restricting Europe's access to Russian energy, Germany is among the nations seeking alternative fuels for generating electricity, including more coal.
Andreas Rentz/Getty Images

Thursday's Supreme Court decision was about a lot more than climate change

Jun 30, 2022
West Virginia v. EPA is likely to restrict federal agencies' power to issue all sorts of regulations, according to Blake Emerson of UCLA Law.
In West Virginia v. Environmental Protection Agency, the Supreme Court limited the EPA's ability to create emissions caps for power plants.
Drew Angerer/Getty Images