Decarbonization can fix the jobs crisis and the climate crisis, scientist says

Aug 11, 2020
Saul Griffith is the co-author of a new report that outlines a plan to reduce U.S. dependence on fossil fuels while creating millions of jobs.
Joe Raedle/Getty Images

The Economy Reimagined, Part 3: Climate and Technology

Making the technological revolution more accessible, building a sustainable future and creating more jobs and a healthier populace while doing it.
A maintenance boat works next to the turbines of an offshore wind farm.
Christopher Furlong/Getty Images

A tax on red meat is imminent, researchers say

For years, analysts have been working to find financial tools for curbing certain behaviors.
"Everybody has to pay for climate damages, and many people in the states have to pay privately for health care. So it would make much more sense if they saw those costs in the prices of foods that are really related to those impacts," Marco Springmann says.
Nicholas Kamm/AFP via Getty Images

Canada's iconic maple syrup may face climate change challenges

Jul 1, 2020
It's made with sap harvested from sugar maple trees — and those trees may be threatened by rising temperatures.
Délices Érable & Cie, in Montreal, carries 360 different maple-based products. A changing climate changes the long-term prospects for Canada's sugar maples.
Emma Jacobs

Russian tanker crosses Arctic in early season voyage as ice grows thinner

Jun 8, 2020
The route, which saves more than 10 days of travel, is a test case for a Russian energy company that wants to ship gas to China through the summer.
The ice-breaking Christophe de Margerie, carrying natural gas to China, was able to start its Arctic voyage earlier in the year because of thinning ice.

Corporations turn green amid rising climate concern

Jan 21, 2020
Starbucks is the latest company to announce aplans to address climate change.
A sign on display outside Starbucks's annual general meeting in 2018.
Stephen Brashear/Getty Images

BlackRock's new investment strategy: sustainability

Jan 14, 2020
The world's largest money manager now sees climate change as investment risk.
Larry Fink, CEO of BlackRock, said that climate risk is “compelling investors to reassess core assumptions about modern finance.”
Michael Cohen/Getty Images for The New York Times

For public good, not for profit.

The year in the tech economy

Dec 30, 2019
That was challenging. Now for tech's next act...
In 2019, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg influenced our discourse, our privacy, our ideas about speech — free or otherwise — and our spending habits.
Josh Edelson/AFP/Getty Images

Chevron's nearly $11B write-down reflects weak demand and low oil and gas prices

Dec 11, 2019
Some energy companies are questioning whether they can wait out the current dip in prices.
Chevron noted challenges in natural gas fields in the Marcellus Shale formation and in deepwater oilfields in the Gulf of Mexico.
Joe Raedle/Getty Images

The sun finally shines on one of the world’s most northerly vineyards — because of climate change

Nov 22, 2019
Higher temperatures have transformed the fortunes of the English wine industry, including Renishaw Hall in Derbyshire.
Climate change is credited with improving winemaking conditions to Northern England.
Andreas Rentz/Getty Images