Lummi tribe objects to coal terminal in Washington

Nov 27, 2013
Fifty-seven Native American tribes in the Pacific Northwest have come together to oppose plans to build coal export terminals in Oregon and Washington State.

In memoriam: The first of many Tennessee Valley Authority coal plants

Nov 18, 2013
The coal-fired plants being retired by the Tennessee Valley Authority are more than 50 years old.

The war on the 'War on Coal'

Oct 30, 2013
The coal industry and its political supporters have launched their counterattack to EPA rules.

EPA rules on coal plants' emissions will require new technology

Sep 20, 2013
The Environmental Protection Agency's is issuing new limits on emissions by coal-burning plants that new plants will need advanced carbon-capture technology to comply.

Coal pollution cuts life expectancy in China

Jul 9, 2013
China's government policy to promote coal use may have cut life expectancy for millions of people by more than five years on average.

Global clean energy progress stalled: Report

Apr 17, 2013
Reports over the past couple years have suggested sky-high U.S. carbon-dioxide emissions have been falling, but what about the global energy picture? A new report suggests its nothing to write home about.

Coal could soon be the world's top energy source

Dec 19, 2012
The International Energy Agency says coal will overtake oil and become the number one fuel within a decade unless government policies change.

For public good, not for profit.

In Ohio, lots of pro-coal ads, not so many miners

Oct 9, 2012
If you're watching TV in Ohio, you're no doubt seeing a lot of campaign ads about the coal industry and its jobs. But in Ohio, at least, coal is a small part of the economy and the work force.

Federal court affirms EPA authority

Jun 27, 2012
The U.S. Appeals Court ruling empowering the EPA to regulate greenhouse gas emissions could deal another blow to the slumping coal industry.