A graphical history of cable consolidation

Feb 13, 2014
Tracking the history of the cable industry.

Comcast's competition isn't cable companies -- it's Netflix

Feb 13, 2014
Comcast’s merger with Time Warner Cable will create the biggest cable company in the nation – if not the world

PODCAST: Cable mega-merger

Feb 13, 2014
Comcast is trying to buy Time Warner Cable for $45 billion.

Comcast CEO: "We reinvent ourselves every couple years"

Nov 21, 2013
Turning a 50-year-old cable provider into an internet and content company.

Behold, the future of TV: The Internet

Jul 17, 2013
Is it really such a surprise that Google and Apple are exploring television-over-the-Internet?

When it comes to high-speed Internet, are cable companies all talk?

Jun 18, 2013
Delivering ultra high-speed Internet to users around the country is a challenge, but it's one that cable providers say they are ready and able to tackle.

For public good, not for profit.

DOJ investigates cable companies over online video practices

We've all been there: You get home from work, open up your computer to Netflix, press play and.....nothing. The screen reads buffering. Who do you blame? Your internet provider or Netflix?
Robert Sullivan/Getty Images

Cable companies offer free Wi-Fi -- what's the catch?

May 22, 2012
Five big cable providers offer you something for nothing while they try to take over the world.