Nation's first mega-offshore wind project stalled for additional study

Sep 13, 2019
A federal delay in the nation's first large-scale offshore wind farm has analysts wondering if this could stall overall momentum for offshore wind power in the country.
A rendering of offshore wind turbines.
Courtesy of U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management

Republican governors join growing calls against offshore oil and gas drilling

Jan 10, 2018
The Trump administration’s plan to open most U.S. coastal waters to offshore oil and gas drilling is facing stiff opposition from many in the president’s own party. On Tuesday, the administration said drilling would no longer be considered off the coast of Florida after pressure from Republican Gov. Rick Scott. And today, South Carolina Gov. […]

MID-DAY UPDATE: New unemployment claims rise to half a million...

Aug 19, 2010
... some of that is returning troops from Iraq Intel is buying McAfee! Oil discovered off coast of Mozambique -- a mixed blessing? First ever se...