Spoofing: An explanation using bananas

Apr 22, 2015
Marketplace Editor Paddy Hirsch explains "spoofing"
A woman stands with bananas during the 2015 edition of the Paris International Agricultural Show in Paris. 

Counting gallons: How much water do you use?

Feb 5, 2015
A Marketplace reporter tracks the water his family uses in a day – and its cost.

Why it's hard times for citrus growers

Dec 31, 2014
A deadly tree disease and decreased demand are among the problems facing citrus growers.

Weekly Wrap: Comsumers, Congress and commodities

Dec 12, 2014
A discussion of highlights from the week's news.

Steel's slow, grinding growth

Oct 8, 2014
Lisa Goldenberg of Delaware Steel Company shares how the economy feels day-to-day.

Foreign banks ask China: Where's our copper?

Jun 17, 2014
In China, a warehouse of copper is used over and over again as collateral for loans.

For public good, not for profit.

Drought puts California rice in a sticky situation

Apr 30, 2014
California grows almost all medium grain rice in the U.S. And prices are up.

Food inflation, or, why bacon is a good investment

Apr 11, 2014
A look into why food costs are rising across the world.

Restaurants squeezed by high price of limes

Apr 8, 2014
This year you'll pay a lot more for limes -- a key ingredient in Margaritas and guacamole.