Are falling prices of gold and oil good or bad?

Apr 18, 2013
Diane Swonk, chief economist with Mesirow Financial, explains why commodity prices are falling and how the U.S. economy could benefit.

How does the falling price of gold affect you?

Apr 17, 2013
Gold prices are down again this morning, after falling by more than 10 percent since Friday. Oil prices are also lower. But how do these drops in commodity prices affect your wallet?
After a dazzling rise to more than $1,900 an ounce, the yellow metal has clearly lost its luster. The price of bullion has slumped by 10 percent since the end of last week, down to $1,420 an ounce.

Gold prices sink as inflation stays at bay

Apr 11, 2013
Diane Swonk, chief economist with Mesirow Financial, joins Marketplace Morning Report host Jeremy Hobson to discuss the drop off in gold prices and whether there is such a thing as a safe haven anymore.

Computers silence a Kansas City trading floor

Feb 6, 2013
The CME Group will move wheat trading from Kansas City to Chicago in June.

How the heat wave could impact the U.S. economy

Jul 9, 2012
Temperatures may finally be cooling off, but hot temperatures and corresponding droughts are hurting farmers -- and that could trickle down to your own wallet soon.

Soybean prices on the rise, could impact other food sources

Apr 30, 2012
The cost of soybeans is now hitting levels not seen just before the 2008 food crisis, and when this happens farmers switch to soybeans and away from rice -- that crucial staple of diets in so many parts of the world.

For public good, not for profit.

Milk: Cheaper by the gallon

Mar 13, 2012
Dairy products prices are falling in the U.S. worldwide. What’s behind the fall in milk prices? Bigger herds and warmer winter weather.

$90 billion mining merger would alter industry

Feb 7, 2012
The world's largest commodities trader Glencore has agreed to buy mining giant Xstrata to create a global giant in coal, zinc and copper mining and production.

Orange juice prices on the rise thanks to 'perfect storm'

Jan 12, 2012
It has been a rough year for oranges -- first in Florida, and now in Brazil. The lack of the fruit is now causing orange juice prices to rise.