Virus fatigue is changing people's risk tolerance

Oct 26, 2020
New COVID-19 cases are on the rise, but so is people's willingness to go out.
Kena Betancur/Getty Images

How long can consumers keep spending?

Oct 16, 2020
Retail sales jumped nearly 2% in September, but it's hard to exactly say why.
One economist says without more federal stimulus, we're risking a double-dip recession.
Robyn Beck/AFP via Getty Images

The devil is in the details when it comes to rising retail sales

Sep 16, 2020
Spending continues to grow, but at a slower pace. And some expect it to level off altogether in the coming quarter.
Patrons dine at an outdoor restaurant in downtown San Diego, California, in July.
Sandy Huffaker/AFP via Getty Images

Credit card companies need people to spend

Aug 31, 2020
Many credit card companies are launching new cards to capitalize on shifting consumer spending.
A customer signs a credit card receipt at an ice cream parlor. Card balances dropped by $76 billion in the second quarter.
Chris Graythen/Getty Images

As reopening falters, consumer confidence falls

Aug 25, 2020
The pandemic isn't abating and consumers are wary of the future, economists at The Conference Board say.
Customers walk past closed stores at a mall in Franklin, Tennessee. Consumer confidence has fallen yet again.
Brett Carlsen/Getty Images

Visa CEO: "The world has changed dramatically"

Jun 30, 2020
Visa CEO Al Kelly discusses the consumer economy and corporate responsibility today, amid the global pandemic and nationwide protests for racial justice.
"We've seen debit card volume increase much more than credit card volume," Visa CEO Al Kelly says.
Courtesy of Visa Inc.

Consumer spending rises — for now

Jun 26, 2020
An 8% uptick in May follows a 20% drop over March and April. That's the good news. There are plenty of potential economic blows on the horizon.
Consumer spending in the United States shot up a record 8.2% in May, but it doesn't mean recovery is on the way.
Spencer Platt/Getty Images

For public good, not for profit.

Household debt up 4% in the first quarter

Jun 12, 2020
About 1 in 6 households reports having more debt now than before the COVID-19 crisis.
David McNew/Getty Images

Early signs of an improving economy, but consumers haven't opened their wallets

May 29, 2020
With unemployment so high and concerns about the coronavirus spread, we likely won't see a rebound in consumer spending anytime soon.
Anxiety about personal finances is still sky-high.
David McNew/Getty Images

Consumers are buying less while shopping online more

May 14, 2020
The Marketplace-Edison Research Poll finds that 40% of those who shopped online before the pandemic now do it more.
Charly Triballeau/AFP via Getty Images