Oil industry cutbacks are a drag on U.S. economy

Jul 16, 2015
Companies are spending less on production and laying off thousands of workers.

From "promposal" to dress, everything must be unique

Apr 17, 2015
Stores track who's wearing what so that there are no repeats come prom night.

Mixed signals: Decoding the economy

Apr 14, 2015
Decoding the economy's mixed signals
First quarter earnings are on the upswing for big banks. 
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

With gas prices down, we're buying more SUVs

Nov 4, 2014
Car buyers are impulsive, but not necessarily 'dumb.'

Living without cash or credit cards for a week

Nov 4, 2014
Lisa Selin Davis limited herself to mobile payments. Spoiler alert: it was hard.

Retail's new normal

Oct 15, 2014
September retail sales take a slight dip from August.

For public good, not for profit.

Consumer spending: what we say vs. what we do

Aug 29, 2014
Spending is weak but income and consumer confidence are high.

Why isn’t the American consumer spending?

Aug 13, 2014
Retail sales stalled last month. They're at their weakest reading since January.

Frugal consumers translate to high profits for Dollar General

Sep 4, 2013
The discount retail chain reported better than expected profits today and its stock is up almost five percent at the moment.